Doula Training Program

If we continue to view the birthing paradigm in the way we are right now, we will lead to more systematization, more fragmentation, more fear, and more intervention. Despite such a strong movement, which clearly puts forth evidence-based practices for good childbearing and child rearing, we are moving further away from that goal.
Labour support or having caring people around in labour, is not a new idea. That’s how women have given birth over through ages. There is more to birth than just the reproductive parts and science.
There is more to life …
A good doula program cannot be about only what the Professionally Trained Doula can do… how would that be any different than what a good doctor can do? A good program gives us insight, reflective capacity and compassion along with the understanding of how labour birth may unfold beyond the narrow focus of getting the anatomy to function. Some of these ‘people’ skills we can only experience and refine in connection to other people. Many of our life skills are learnt by interaction, observation and reflection.
Considering the nature of the work, the learning processes and the time and distance most of us may have, The Doula Collective presents a Doula Training and Certification Program that’s interactive, inclusive, comprehensive and slow paced, offering support to the degree is need, similar to the ethos of doula work.
It’s an online learning course spread over three seminars with self study material, study videos, assignments, weekly live webinars with mentor interaction, activities & discussions. We start a new batch each year usually around March/April.


Seminar 1

Essential Doula Skills: Anatomy, Physiology, and Communication.

Seminar 2

Exploring the Subconscious & Supporting the Unborn in the Transition to Parenthood.

Seminar 3

Trauma-Informed Care for Newborns and Families.

Training Format

Online Course

 Access in-depth modules covering each aspect of the curriculum with class videos and additional resources. 

Live Group Sessions

Participate in dynamic, interactive sessions with doulas and mentors 

Practical Assessments

All assessments are through practical application and opportunities of learning and growth.


Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who is passionate about supporting birthing families. If you have a ‘calling’ and feel ready to commit to learning, you can join. Even if you have already had some kind of doula training or are already supporting birthing women in some way, this course would still be very enriching to build your practice and be part of a doula sisterhood.

Yes, you will recover a Foundation course certificate on completion of Seminar 1 and can start practice as a ‘doula in training’. Once all 3 seminars are completed you will be awared the final certificate.

Doula’s are non medical non clinical professionals and so doula courses are not accredited by medical or government bodies. Moreover this is a nascent profession and The Doula Collective is in fact the first full scale home grown doula training & certification course in India since 2018. Our recognition by families and caregivers is growing with the quality and ethics of our practice.

We usually have 6-8 students per batch but webinars are also attended by our experienced and trainee doulas who may have enrolled in previous years. We support and encourage all our students to come back for as many classes as they wish to. This also helps enrich our interactions.

Write to us about yourself and your interest in this work and this course. We have courses ongoing and will announce the dates as we go along. We usually start one new batch each year around March/April. And in the meanwhile stay connected via our community offerings. Follow us on instagram for updates.

Doula Training Program


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